Christmas Creations!


Here are some fantastic gifts I’ve received from some of you kind children. Also, not in the picture,  Carla in Y6A gave me a lovely scarf. The creative card was from Maria R, Arnau gave me the santa and Carla in 6B made me a smashing snowman using rice – very creative!

Many thanks


6C Summit Vote


Curious Cat!


  1. Christian

    Hello miss Stenhouse or Mr Fraser (sorry if I spelled your name incorrectly) but can you tell mr Feasey that me and my dad is starting a YouTube channel it’s mostly my dads but I will send post card and messages on shobie in videos by the way my dads and my channel is Chrisgaming098

    • Hi Christian, that’s great. We can see how you are getting on in Korea. I loved Seoul when I went there – I’m sure you’ll love it too. We will all miss you and Joshua, but it would be great if we could keep in touch. Make sure you keep posting here. How a fab time in Korea!

      PS. You spelt our names perfectly.

  2. Today the day I leave I’ll post pictures on google drive of me taking off on the airplane.

  3. Carla g 6D

    I am Carla g 6D

  4. Lucía 5️⃣C

    I think that are creative ideas???

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