Mannequin Challenge in Y5A


Integrity at Caxton


Caxton Y6 Lego WeDo Week 2


  1. Nuria B 5A

    I loved doing the mannequin challenge with my class. It aaa very fun !!! And thanks for putting it in the blog

  2. NURIA B 5A

    Guau, what beautiful video. It was very fun to do.

  3. Paula M

    I like the manikin challenge of 5A it’s very good ?.

  4. 12345678

    They really look like a mannequin.
    I am also asking myself if they were real mannequins.

  5. Noelia

    It’s very cool!!????

  6. Lucía P 6C

    Good positions 5A!

  7. Ines Year 6C

    You’re right! It was very cool!!!! ?????

  8. Christian

    Wow nice job guys I wish if I was there (but I’m not) good positions and I like the teachers position it looks like he is tired or just mad or something I don’t know.

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