Disgusting Dave Pt 14


Disgusting Dave Pt 13 (plus a bonus video)


Disgusting Dave Pt 15


  1. Teresa

    Tomorrow there is no story ??? the masks are beautiful I love ? them
    I want to now what happens when the little brother falls in the water is intrigante ????
    I am with the ‘tan tan tan ……………..’?

  2. Iris 5A

    I love to hear you read!

    • caxtoncollege

      That’s very kind Iris – you’ve filled my bucket!!! However, I don’t think many pupils are watching them, I was wondering if people didn’t want me to do them anymore…

  3. Aaden 6A

    The 2 masks in the back are very colorful! But… the wooden one is very creative!

    • caxtoncollege

      Yes – I love buying local, interesting things when we go on our travels. The money usually goes straight to the person who made it… which is right. I suppose a little bit like fair trade products that you study in Y6.

      • caxtoncollege

        Although, I have bought some scary masks that Ms Fraser wouldn’t let me put on the wall…

  4. Hahaha! Dave must be embarrassed ? when his gran told him that Suceedgete is his girlfriend! I love disgusting Dave soooo much! I am very thankful that you do these story tellings to us! Thank you!

  5. I’m giving you advice… NEVER QUIT TELLING US STORIES!!!! Please!

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Caxton College British School