Happy Feel Good Friday!!!!!


Flesh-Eating Maggots Ch 9


Flesh-Eating Maggots Ch 10


  1. Your style is soo crazy ? love it!?

  2. Is that you in the handstand bottom row in the middle? Nice handstand! It’s very easy for me to do it and it is very easy. You all look fantastic! I like the one in the bottom row in the middle! By the way, is there always going to be Feel Good Friday? I REALLY ENJOY THEM! IT IS VERY FUNNY! AND FUN! NEVER STOP DOING THESE FEEL GOOD FRIDAY’S! PLEASE?!? Have a lovely day!

    • caxtoncollege

      Thanks Nicole. I cheated a bit as I just turned the photo upside down!

  3. Teresa?

    Woo the look all amazing

  4. Bárbara


  5. Iris 5A

    Very funny ?

  6. Emma 5A?

    WOW! Cool fotos!

    • caxtoncollege

      Thanks Emma – have you enjoyed the Feel Good Fridays? I have!

  7. Hey! You cheated! ?

  8. No I mean, you cheated on the photo!

  9. Sara 6D

    Wow your not amazing. You are fantasticly amazing!!!!

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Caxton College British School