Fox, Chicken and Corn Solution


Flesh-Eating Maggots Ch 11


Flesh-Eating Maggots Ch 12


  1. ???? ★

    This is not story time is the answer to the riddle.

    • caxtoncollege

      I know – sorry. Forgot to press ‘publish’, so it didn’t get posted.

  2. ???? ★

    I love the riddles

  3. Emma 5A?

    Mr. Fraser, I got it!

  4. Teresa?

    That was difficult

  5. Teresa?

    We’re is today’s video ( story )

  6. Ohhhhhh! I should have thought of that! Cheeky! That’s why you said he could take something back! Wow! Can you give us another problem? Oh and I need to meet with you soon because I need to tell you about my problems with VPN…

    • caxtoncollege

      I’ll post another problem. I’ll organise a Meet. Is tomorrow OK?

  7. Actually we dont have to because it is sorted out. Everyone in my class had problems but now its ok ?!

    • caxtoncollege

      Great – it was a temporary problem with the server at school, but it got fixed quickly.

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