A Brilliant Poster About Kindness

Well done Triana – great effort and enthusiasm creating wonderful work on such an important topic! ALWAYS CHOOSE KINDNESS

Please let me know if someone has been kind to you recently (or if you have been kind too).



Safer Internet Week


Digital Learning Day Competition


  1. Jennifer Y5C

    Hi – I love your poster and Hi Triana, also hi to everyone else.

  2. Thanks Jennifer ??

    You are the best

  3. Carlos B and Paula from my class are very kind to me by helping me in math especially Paula when I miss something of the lesson and I don’t understand, she helps me like a teacher. Sorry I haven’t been on the blog so much! Have a lovely day!???

    • caxtoncollege

      Awww – that’s great to hear Y6s are helping each other learn. As always, thanks for your wonderful comments Nicole.

  4. Olivia t

    Is very nice Triana. I like it. When you are going to come Triana? (And I can see your poster.)

  5. Tianze yr5C

    I love your poster!!!

  6. I just have one question! On the blog who is replying to my comments, is it Mrs. Fraser or Mr. Fraser? Because one time a girl said in the chat “Thank You Miss Fraser!” But I’m pretty sure its Mr. Fraser! Right? ?
    Have a nice day! ???

  7. Valeria

    Wow that’s enormous and beautiful

  8. Gabriela Y5C

    Hi I love your poster and also I like the information that you put in it
    because it inspires me to be nicer

  9. Sofia

    Hi. I love your poster Triana. Now I’m being more kinder to people and helping them more. You made me smile a lot. Bye and have a lovely evening! ?

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