Month: October 2017

A Review of Using Spreadsheets

Hi Y6,

Here is a review of what we did today in class. It’s about 20 minutes long, so you might want to watch it at the weekend.

Marvellous Music in Y6

Here is a little musical performance linked to the Y6 Chocolate Topic this term. Well done Y6 and Ms VD Woude!!!


What is Respect?

Our focus on having a positive attitude towards life  has gone wonderfully well and almost everyone now seems to be very positive, polite and are filling buckets to the brim!

So, now we are moving on to our second core value to focus on –  Respect.

But what is it? Respect is how you feel about someone and how you treat someone.
In the ‘Getting On and Falling Out’ SEAL assembly we reflected on how we can fill bukcets by showing respect to:
  • our friends
  • our parents
  • our teachers
  • our school
  • ourself

Please share your ideas and let’s see how many we get!  You can choose one or all five.

Caxton College British School