Month: May 2018

Y6 Scratch- Adding a Timer and Score


Shooting Sprite and Adding a Background

Hi, this video is from a few years ago and a few things may be different. I’ll make a new one as soon as possible and swap them. However, I just wanted to show you what comes next. Thanks

Digital Learning Competition

Hi all,

As you hopefully know, the competition has been extended. Below is the prise for the best entry. It’s a BBC microbit and inventors kit!!! A microbit is basically a pocket sized PC that you can code on and the kit, that comes with it, helps you do lots of exciting  projects and experiments. You can use a micro USB or Bluetooth to connect it to other devises too.

As Charlie and Raphy created a wonderful, historical documentary – I want them to help me make a movie. And what’s so good about that? Well, we will use a new 360º camera that we have recently bought! I can’t wait. We can create fantastic 360º videos that can be viewed on an iPad or VR head set!!!


So, get creating!


Y6 Scratch – Creating and Coding a Target

Hi everyone,

I think lots of you will insert the Y2s image quickly – so here’s the next part of the project. Good luck.

Caxton College British School