Month: April 2019

Perfect Pencil Drawings in Y6


What do you think of these wonderful sketches in Y6? I wish I could draw like that…

Y6 Scratch Project


Here is a video explaining what the project is about. You may recognise some of the people in it! It is an old video, but the ideas are the same. I will post the first lesson’s video soon and you must watch it before the lesson next term. We have a very short term, so it is really imported that we all work very hard to get the game completed for the Y2s.

Fantastic 500 Word Challenge!!!

Here is a short video, that Mr Pickford has created, to give you some inspiration to write the best story you have ever written! Thanks Mr Pickford and I can’t wait to read all the creative writing you all produce!

Creating a Score

Y5 Scratch – Creating an Automatic Sprite

Here’s a short video about how to get a sprite to automatically follow your sprite and to add more tension and danger to your game.  Please make sure you have the 2 original sprites moving around perfectly before you try this.

Y5 Scratch – Using a Variable – Adding a Timer

Here’s a video to help you to  you learn how to use a variable.

Caxton College British School