Month: March 2018

World Storytelling Day (plus a splendid short story from Apolline)

Here’s a lovely short video to celebrate World Storytelling Day. Thanks Ms Palacios, nice editing skills! Also,

And here’s Apolline’s entry to a 100 word competition. Well done Apolline. We’ll have to record your 500 word challenge story too!

Do any of you have a short story that you’d like to share with us all?


Visit a Library Week – Easter Activity

Teachers, generally, absolutely love wandering around a library that is  full to the brim with a wonderful array of books… Just imagine the history, facts, maps, ancient documents, stories, tales of  happiness and sadness… contained within the thousands upon thousands of books, carefully contained and looked after,  within the walls of the library…

Well, a little challenge for you is to go into a library – have a walk around, look through some books, even become a member.  It’s my challenge too, as I’m ashamed to say  I’ve never been into the main library in Valencia city!

I am definitely going to the main library in the centre of the city (click here for link), but you could go to any library – there may even be a local one near to where you live…

Explore, investigate, read, enjoy the surroundings – AND then take a  selfie or photo of you doing something in the library! Please post it to the ‘Work for the Blog’ folder in Google Drive   or print them out if you prefer.

Have a fabulous holiday !

How Can we Help Reduce Our Impact Upon the Environment?

Hi all,

Do you ever think about the amount of rubbish we create each and every day? I know I do. Especially the amount of plastic that finds it’s way into the oceans.

After listening to Ms Robleh and Nacho’s amazing ‘Earth Hour’  assembly to the Y5s on Friday, I truly feel we should all start to reduce our impact on our wonderful planet as much as possible. Below is a clip from the fantastic BBC series ‘Blue Planet 2’. It breaks my heart to see the whale trying to eat a plastic bucket – thinking it’s food!

Lots of you had some wonderful ideas about how we can reduce the amount of materials and resources we waste. Think about all the excellent ideas in the assembly and share some of them on here. It all starts with one person… you.  If it grows and grows it can become millions or even billions of people – and then we can really have a positive  impact.

Caxton College British School