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Interesting Robots

Here is the video we looked at in class. I can’t embed the video into the blog for some reason (Techno Team ask me about that) so just click on the link above to watch the short video. Also, check out other links from the same channel if you are interested. What do you think about these robots?

Kindness Award!

Here we have our first award of the year and what a shining example! New to the school this year, an amazing class Rep and now the award for being a brilliant bucket filler! What a start to the year! Very, very well done – you deserve it!

So, we want to give out lots of these special awards like we did last year. We have asked the teachers and supervisors to suggest who should receive this splendid certificate. Will it be you? All you have to do is show our values and fill buckets – I’m sure you all can do it!!!

Scientist of the Month

So, who is this incredibly important scientist? Clue – she helped to develop X-rays… Tell us her name and some information about her please.

Smile Day Challenge

So – who won the Purple Form…

Calling Eco Warriors!!!

Want to help save the planet? Ms Robleh is looking for enthusiastic and ecologically perfect pupils to help out with lots of interesting projects. Is this you? Watch the video if you are interested – let us know by Monday after the long weekend.

World Smile Day

Hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed World Smile Day (and the Sports Day assembly). We loved seeing your smiles around school – lots and lots of buckets being filled with kindness! Well done in sports day – especially if you got some ‘Fair Play’ points.

Up for a challenge? You may have noticed my rather unusual shirt – full of smiley faces… well – can you estimate how many faces are on the whole of the shirt? The nearest estimate will get a purple form!

Scientist of the Month

Hi everyone, can you find out who the famous scientist is and tell us what he is famous for?

There is a big clue in the image below…

Hi everyone, I have had the correct answer from Duc and Pablo. Well done. Does anyone else have the answer? And please try and add more information about what he is famous for.

Welcome to the Blog!!!

Hi – this is how we will learn how to use the internet in a kind, sensible and safe way. Leave any comments on here. Let me know if there is anything in particular you would like me to add to the blog.


Y6 Scratch – Creating Timer and Game Over

A New School

By Ana

Have you ever wondered what it’s like coming to a new school? Well, I’m going to tell you how it feels.

Firstly, it’s a bit hard coming to a new school because you’re in a whole new world! Your old friends will miss you and you will miss them. And you probably don’t know anybody in your new school. But not to worry because the students here are very kind. The teachers here are also very caring  and will help you with anything. 

If you are fluent in Spanish, then you won’t have a problem, but if you are not yet, not a problem, your friends will help you by doing some challenges like speaking in Spanish for the whole day or maybe even a week! Or they can help you with some flash cards which are really helpful. It’s very fun, trust me. 

In each year group, there are 4 classes, class A,B,C, and D! There are also 4 teachers for each class and there also can be some helping teachers for when your class teacher isn’t there, they can fill in for the real one and do the same activity as the other one. In each class, there can be around 28 children in each class, that makes one year group plus the teachers 112 people in total! That’s a lot!! 

This school is massive!!! So it takes a while to get the hang of it. But, of course, everyone  can help you. There are also some signs which help you around the school to show you which class is which, and how to get there. Also, if you join and you’re in Year 6, next year which is secondary will be even more big so hang in there. And Year 6 is a really important year because you will have the EPT and you’ll be the head of primary! Also Y4, and Y6 will have a residential trip for 2-3 days somewhere in Spain, but it’s a secret. It is going to be amazing!!  

There are 3 terms in each year, but they go by really fast. If your last school was British, it won’t be any different from here. If it was American, there would only be a few, little, tiny changes. For example, you’ll have to wear a uniform, no necklaces or bracelets around and no crazy facial piercings. The schedule will only be a few classes, probably some every day, but they will change. For example, if you have maths in the morning one day, you’ll probably have it in the afternoon the next day! 

If you’re a student who always does the right thing and follows the rules, then you’re probably going to get a lot of achievements. We have a lot of assemblies and you’ll be on the stage a lot of times. There will be the headteachers of primary, including Ms. Stenhouse, Ms. Sayce and Mr.Fraser to host the assemblies. By the way, there is a huge theatre where we do most of our assemblies, the communions and where all the attention will be.

Also, every month, we have a house assemblies, there are 4 houses: Unicorn, Dragon, Gryphon and Phoenix. At the assembly, we are told which house has the most points for the month – you get points whenever you get a purple form. Once a term, the winning house even gets a special drink at lunch!

I was new student this year, and I’m very happy and settled here now and I’m sure you’ll be too!

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Caxton College British School