Rubik’s Challenge


Well, it seems like I’ve travelled back in time. When I was a boy Rubik’s cubes were incredibly popular and it seems like they have become fashionable again!

Here is a challenge for all you fast fingered folk. Put a video of you doing it, as fast as you can, into the Google Drive folder (Work for the Blog) and let me know on here that you have uploaded a video into the folder. The fastest gets at least a purple form.

However, lots of children are playing with their cubes when they shouldn’t be. For example when in a line, in the dining room etc. Please do not do this. You can obviously play with them on the playground – but not in the corridors.

Good luck


Cracking Caxton Choir Practice


Internet Safety Day


  1. Aitana J

    Mr.Fraser I put the photo in google drive.

  2. Aitana J

    I checked it just now!

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