Y6 Robot Wars at Caxton


Odd Socks Day in Primary!


Let’s Be Green!


  1. Raphy 6c

    I think the reason that lunas robot won was because she put un more power.

  2. Raphy 6c

    I think the reason that lunas robot won was because she put un more power. And because Luna put in different code than Rodrigo and Luna did 321 shich means Rodrigo’s was always going but lunas would stop and go which means that Luna would have more power when she started.

  3. Javier 6c

    I think that Luna won because she had better codding.

  4. Laura 6C

    I think Luna won because she had practice with more weight than Rodrigos robot .

  5. Sergio 6C

    I think they are both magnificent, but Luna’s is a very good one.

  6. Alvaro G

    I think Luna won because she got more weight than Rodrigos

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