

Following on from today’s assembly, here is your next challenge. Write an acrostic poem, like Ms Stenhouse’s below, to represent what friendship means to you. Purple forms for the best ones! You can post it here, make a poster (digital or on paper), make a video or anything really to present your poem, but try to be creative.

Here’s Telma with her wonderful poem! She was the first pupil to get creative. Well done and thanks for filling our bucket to the very top!

And here’s Carla’s poem (Y5D). Carla certainly fills our bucket every time we see her with her endless positivity!

Here’s another entry from Louie (and friends). I’m sure you’ll agree, he made fabulous use of his iPad! He had sound on the original, but it hasn’t come out in Google Drive. That’s my challenge – to add the vocals… I will and then post it here. You will be able to see that it is more effective with them. What do you think of this version? Can you tell what apps he used?

Here’s the one with sound! We did it together… teamwork rules!




Wonderful Robotics Work!!!


Charlie’s Lost Chapter!!!


  1. Valentin G

    If you respect the people wil respect you

  2. Franklin

    My friend is:)
    Never leaves me
    Doesn’t forget me
    Sits with me

  3. Vicente Y6B

    Runs with me
    Enjoy full
    Not leave me alone
    Doesn’t forget me
    Sings with me

    • caxtoncollege

      Thanks for your poem Vicente. What is it you mean by ‘enjoy full’? Could we make that sound better do you think? Ask me when you see me.

  4. Lara y-6

    My Friend:
    Forgives me
    Runs with me
    Never insults me
    Does laugh with me

  5. Blanca N 6b

    For me friendship means:

    F airly lets me choose
    R isks her life for me
    Integrates me in every group
    E xercises with me
    N ever fights with me
    D oes homework with me
    S ometimes hugs me
    H elps me
    I nspires me
    P erseveres to cheer me up

  6. Ms Kildea


    L earn to speak nicely​ ​even when you’re angry.
    A lways smile and say ‘​Hi’
    U nderstand that it’s ok to be different.
    G ive respect to get respect back.
    H elp people instead of doing it for them.

    • caxtoncollege

      I really like how you have changed the structure of the poem to get in some fresh ideas. Very creative.

  7. Ms Kildea

    Lucky to have such FRIENDS

    I’m happy to have friend’s who don’t judge me,
    They accept me as I am and let me be:
    Happy, sad, nervous or shy,
    All we ask of each other, is please don’t lie.

    We have days that are good and days that are bad,
    We say sorry and don’t stay mad,
    Words can hurt, so we take care,
    We stop and think before we share,
    Some words can scar and last too long,
    So we count to ten, breathe and move on.

    Sometimes together, sometimes apart,
    Playing with others is healthy and smart.
    If your friend is not there and you’re alone,
    Then you’ve others to whom you can turn.

    Be nice, be kind and remember to be
    the friend that makes others around you happy.
    Ms Kildea

    • caxtoncollege

      Well, well Ms Kildea – what an absolutely amazing poem with such a wonderful message! Splendid work and thanks for all of you comments on here. I think you deserve a purple form!

  8. Ameloe

    A true friend is:
    Funny with me
    Respects me
    Imagines with me
    Enjoys me
    Never leaves me out
    Doesn’t betray me
    Sings with me

  9. Rodrigo A. 6D

    Acrostic poem friends
    Fun to be with
    Respect each other
    Idolize you
    Encourage you to reach your goals
    Needs you
    Defends you
    Sits with you to console you

    • caxtoncollege

      Some fantastic vocab used here Rodrigo – a very effective poem. Well done.

  10. Alex g

    My friend 🙂

    F ights for me
    R eliable
    I nspires me
    N ever stops caring me
    D efends me (never leaves me alone)
    S uports me

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