Marvellous Maths Challenge

Have a go at this challenge. It isn’t easy, but if you are determined you can do it. You need to explain how you did it, but you could use paper, make an Explain Everything presentation, Keynote, anything really. A purple form for the best explanation! Good luck – you can do it!


Creative Writing


Persuasive Writing


  1. Mery 6A

    I got an answer, tomorrow I will show it to you.

    Thanks for putting up this challenge.

  2. PS Thanks Andrea in Y5A for lending me your iPad pen! A positive Dojo for you!

  3. Lucía 6C

    I have done it in Educreations.
    When can I show it?

  4. Lucia A 6A

    I´ve got another answer.
    tomorow I will give it to you.

  5. Maria s 6B

    I have the answer ,and I think it’s the correct one.

  6. I saw the video and now I have the answer.

  7. Gonzalo 6c

    I think I’ve also got the answer.

  8. Candela T 6D

    I think I got the right answer, when can I show it to you?

  9. Cesar 6C

    It’s difficult.

  10. Laura 6B

    I have an answer Mr Fraser!

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