Creative Writing Part 2

Hi, here are a few more interesting photos to write about. Let your imagination run wild! Again, think about what powerful language you could use (similes, metaphors, adverbial phrases etc). Lucas P in Y5C really used his imagination for the last photo, so I’m really pleased to award him a purple form! I can’t wait for his next one. Please try to put as much effort in to it as Lucas did and really expand your writing. Again, a purple form will be given to the best writer. You can write about either.. or both!

bubble dog

floating cat


How to Create a Kahoot Quiz


Maths Puzzle


  1. Ariadna6c

    A strange dog ate a cat balloon, the balloon didn’t explode. Suddenly the cat started to fly all around the garden, the people that have the cat didn’t know what was happening. Very quickly they called the doctor, the doctor didn’t know what was happening and he called his other friends and they knew what was happening. They said that the cat ate a balloon and he has it inside his body.

    • Thanks Adrian. Good grammar, but I’m a little confused by your story. Why not try again and post it when it is a little clearer. Ask me if you want some help.

  2. Gonzalo 6c

    There was a boy called Gonzalo that was at a party, with a floating-bubble-making machine in his house. His mother didn’t have a job, but his father was the best scientist in Spain. Upstairs, there was a room only for him with all his experiments. One day, his dog entered the room because he saw a cat inside. The cat, who was frightened, ran all over the room. Surprisingly, he pressed the red button of the minuminizator just when the dog was just in front of it. Now, the dog was just 2 centimeters, so nobody could see him. To call attention, he tried to fit into a bubble by standing in front of the floating-bubble-making machine. Unfortunately the bubble went outside because a window was opened.

    And this is how the dog got in a bubble.

    • Very inventive – I really like it. Good vocab, a wide variety of punctuation and sentence started used. Get your teacher to give you 2 Dojos.

  3. Jorge6C

    The dog was running away and the owner of the dog wanted to catch it. So, he got water and soap and made an enormous bubble, like a gigantic mansion and the dog stopped so he cried.
    After that the man said to the dog, “You are not going to go away okey?”
    The dog replied, “Okay, I’m not going to go away anymore”.

    The cat was jumping because there was a group of ants, so he do not want to be touched by the ants and jumped. It was so fluffy, like a piece of wool, so the ants wanted to eat the cat. An ant called the helicopter of the ants and bit him all the time.

  4. Carlos 6C

    Ohhhhhhh that is very funny?

  5. Javi M

    The cat came from space inside a meteorite and landed in a garden. The cat had been so much time in space that it could fly without zero gravity. All the laboratories in the world want to do experiments with him.

  6. Belen6C

    A cat, as fat as a bear, always wanted to go to the neighbors house because every Sunday evening they had a big barbecue. He never could enter because there was a big fence covering all the neighborhood.They had milk,fish,meat and all sorts of things that cat wanted, but he couldn’t have it.
    One day his owners bought a fan, but they didn’t realize it was the ultra fan so they left it in the garden.The cat,as fat as a bear,turned it on and it blew like if you were near a helicopter.He jumped on top and he let himself fall,he closed his eyes,he put his hand in front like superman and he went flying (he was being pushed by the fans air) but when he got to the fence he bumped into it.”I’ll try again another time,” he groaned while he went back to his house.

    • Well done Belen. Similes, direct speech and a wide variety of punctuation used. I really enjoyed it. Get your teacher to give you 2 positive Dojos.

  7. Cesar 6C

    The dog was running and a boy created a super bubble and the dog accidentally went in.

  8. Ismael 6c


    In América there was a flying Cat that jumped from the top of a clif.
    Luckily, on the floor there was a thing that gives you air to fly, but only 20 meters long. So the cat, when he passéd 20 meters, fell to the floor and broke a leg. ThE cat thought he was a magic person because she thought she was flying, but just when the cat noticed that the air was going to stop, she was scared.?

    • Thanks Ismael. Your grammar has improved since your last post, but you still need to continue checking. What is a thing that gives you air? A huge fan? A massive hair dryer? Thanks and keep on blogging!

  9. Holden 6c

    I’m doing the cat picture

    Millions of years ago, before the whole world, there lived cats called catanapicat and one they where intelligent, quick and wise plus they could live forever. One day the dinosaurs came and wiped out all the cats, except one. A new born baby who was strong, quick, fearless, smart, and wise. So the meteor was just a legend, the cat took out all of the dinosaurs by himself! Even though he lost all his legs he was so wise he could float and now someone took this million year old cat from the pound for five bucks! He should cost more than that a priceless cat, for a few bucks the cat was doing all the house work and became a celebrity.

  10. Blanca 6C ???

    WOW!!! That is cat-tonishing!!

  11. Claudia6C

    The cat flying is in the air because a witch turned the cat into a flying cat. The people of the city called him Peter the super cat. And the cat was so happy saving the city that he became the hero of the city, they rewarded Peter with lots and lots of mice. The cat was super happy with the people and the people were happy with Peter the super cat.

  12. Julia6C

    Bubble dog!!!!!

    Yesterday we heard about a bubble dog, “What is a bubble dog?” some people said, and the owner of the dog said that there was a fairy that came and made a bubble, so the dog didn’t go out. Everyone was amazed! Everyone thought it was a lie, but when they saw it they thought they were hallucinating! They all took photos and now the dog is famous.

    I hope you liked!!???

  13. Jacob 6C

    Hello Mr Fraser the photos are sooooooooo funny ?????? I have also seen the videos and I thought that you could probably make one of how to make a YouTube movie and put it on YOUTUBE. I hope you like my comment. From Jak.

  14. Lucas P. Y5C

    Soooooooo HAPPY!??

  15. Óscar 6c

    We think it was a cannon ball just thrown from a cannon. But finally we saw it is not a cannon ball, it is a ‘catton’ ball! A cat flying as high as an airplane.It is a mystery how this cat has started to fly, but it has.The name of this amazing flying cat is catton ball because it is a cat and it looks like a cannon ball. We hope we can see more amazing things.

    Strange news???

  16. Belen 6C

    I love all the great ideas.

    • Thanks for all you comments Belen, however don’t forget to use punctuation please.

      • Candela T 6D

        BUBBLE DOG

        Once upon a time last year there was a very bad dog that ate people,bit,said bad words,hit people…

        But one day he saw a little boy with his bubble maker,the dog saw that innocent boy and next to him the girl dog that he loved.??❤️❤️So he decided to act like if him hadn’t seen her and said to the boy would you like to have a race.

        The little boy said yes.

        At the very first moment the dog started running the boy did such big bubble which surrounded the dog.

        The End

        I hope you have enjoyed it.

        See you on Monday

        • Thanks Candela. I feel like you could add a little more to make the story clearer. Try to uplevel it. Ask me if you would like some ideas.

      • Alba 5 B

        There was a boy playing with a dog and suddenly another boy was making some bubbles. The dog loved bubbles, so the dog started to jump, but the boy pushed the dog so by accident the dog went into the bubble. The boy that had the dog boy was very angry ?and started to call his mum. When his mum came the boy explained what had happened and the mum was so sad she was nearly crying ?.
        She asked the little boy the phone number of his mum and the answer was this:112. The mum asked “Is your mum a policewoman?” The little boy said yes.
        So the mum went to the house and called the police, ?? finally the police mum got the phone and the mum explained what happened. The police mum told the other mum that she will buy them another dog, everyone agreed but when they got the dog the boy needed to teach another dog all over again, so he yelled

        I hope you liked it.

  17. Martina 6c

    Alien cat

    An alien has been discovered on the 3rd of November???.He was flying by a garden ✈️when just in that moment a little girl ??came outside to play.First, the alien went transparent,then he transformed into a statue?? and then into a flying cat?☄!The little girl screamed and cried sweets?!Quickly, the police came?? and took the ALIEN? to the laboratory and the scientists are investigating? what it is,they think that it’s an alien?,but from where??


  18. Holden 6c

    All the ideas are awesome, where did you get the strange photo?

  19. Holden 6c

    ??Cool the cats and dogs are fighting to be best??

  20. Santi6-D

    The cat picture.
    The owner of cat was a little boy who was a little bit crazy. One Sunday he was so bored that he went to his garden, he had a cat and played a lot with him.
    So, he was so bored so bored he got his tiny cat and his favorite ball and he thought, “Why am I playing with them separately, why couldn’t I play with them joined?” So he got his cat and smashed the ball through the mouth and made a cat ball.

    Two months later the little boy still lives happily with his catball.

    • Interesting ideas Santi. Try to think of a more inventive way of joining the cat and the ball. Maybe a magic spell, an amazing scientific machine that he invented etc.

  21. Evan5B

    I think that once there was a dog named Fetcher. Fetcher was a normal dog, and had absolutely no surprising qualities. His owner was a boy named John, and even John, who loved animals thought that Fetcher was a bit boring. Fetcher did’nt chase cats, not even Fatty, the nextdoor neigbor’s cat. Fetcher did’nt fetch sticks. He DIDN’T EVEN RUN as all dogs should, he just sort of stumbled, in a boring sort of way.

    One day John was out in the back, blowing bubbles, and trying to pop them. Fetcher didn’t run to go and try to pop all the bubbles he could, he just sort of staggered about, in his usual, boring manner. “Come on Fetcher, try to pop the bubbles, boy!” called out John. But Fetcher did’nt move. He just stood still, and watched, as an especially large bubble floated right at him.

    Fetcher opened his mouth lazily, about to wine that he wanted food, when the bubble in front of him, went straight into his mouth. Now, if a NORMAL bubble had ran into a dog’s mouth, it would surely have popped, but this was no ordinary bubble. It was a special, cursed bubble, from the special, cursed bubble mix that John was using, as he had gotten it from Madame Cronx, the strange old lady, who lived next door, who loved cats, and posibly, witchcraft. THIS bubble, went STRAIGHT up the dog’s mouth, and traveled, incredibly fast into the dog’s stomach. Now, John was too busy popping bubbles, to realize that his dog was growing a giant bubble around him, and by the time he noticed it was too late. His dog was now trapped in a bubble.

    The End

    • I love it Evan, especially how you described the dog in the introduction. You could continue to story and tell me how John rescued the dog… or didn’t. Check your apostrophe use in ‘didn’t’.

  22. CarmenL_6D

    There was a stupid cat, and a not so stupid hedgehog which were in love. One day they got a baby and they called it Hedgecat. Hedgecat was ashamed of being three quarters cat and one quarter hedgehog. One day the forest school bullies gave Hedgecat a huge fright, so he turned into a ball shape and started rolling all around the forest.

  23. Dog in a bubble

    One beautiful, but at the same time strange day, a dog was put into a bubble.

    How did this occur?

    It all started when a boy called Max was having a walk with his dog. Max was a normal and popular boy. His dog was big and not very furry. Well, suddenly something strange happened, Max left the dog beside a tree because he wanted to play football with his friends and after five minutes the dog was gone. Max was astonished! That had never happened to him. So he ran down the street anxiously searching for the dog, but there was no sign of him.

    After thirty minutes of exhausting running he found the dog, but he was with a tall, thin and strange man. At the begging Max thought it wasn’t his dog but then he realised that the dog was looking at him like saying, “Please save me he is going to do me something bad!” So then Max threw himself on the strange man’s back and screamed to him “Give me my dog now!!!!” But the man didn’t respond, instead he ran away with the dog.

    When the man realised that no one was following him he got his magic wand (that looked like a stick) and said some strange words pointing to the dog with his wand and in one short second the dog was inside an indestructible bubble. So when the man had done his work, he disappeared as if by magic.

    After two or three minutes Max found the dog and tried to pop the bubble, but it was impossible so Max had to take his bubble dog home. He knew his mum wouldn’t be happy with him, but he needed to assume the consequences of leaving his dog alone.

    When he got home his mum was there and she wasn’t very happy of seeing the dog like that, but it would have been worst if Max came back without the dog. His mum said to him to explain what had happened and Max said her everything. His mum already knew it because it was a trick that she had made him to see if he was honest, and he passed it. So his mum got the wand and popped the bubble and left the dog normal. Max was delighted, but at the same time interested of how had his mum done that.

    He had a lot of questions to ask to his mum.

    Finally things didn’t go so bad for Max.

    I hoped you liked my text! ??

    • Laura – I absolutely love it! It has fantastic vocab, a wide range of punctuation, great structure for a short story (opening, build-up, problem, resolution, ending)… and most of all, it’s interesting! A purple form for you – even if I get a better story (however, I think it would be hard to beat). Is anyone up for the challenge of writing an even better story?

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