Get Creative With Your Rubbish!


After today’s Y6 assembly from Ms Thompson, I thought I’d post this video. Can you come up with any interesting ideas of how to reuse stuff you would normally recycle? Well, I hope you recycle and don’t throw plastic bottle into the general rubbish bins!

Put any photos or videos into the Google Drive folder and please leave a comment here to let me know it’s there.

Many thanks


Here are fantastic videos from some Y6 and Y5 girls. I’m delighted with how they’ve concentrated on their pronunciation and at the same time given us some great hacks. Just be careful if you try the balloon one that you don’t smash anyones phone! I was a little anxious when watching the phone bounce  up and down…

A purple form to you all, well that’s if you haven’t already been given one!


Using Showbie


Family Resemblance – Y6 Science.


  1. Well done Anna, some lovely ideas. Please check the small changes I made in punctuation (NSNL). Think of some alternatives (similes) for ‘said’ to improve it. Have a couple of positive Dojos.

  2. It was fantastic because the girl did amazing things with the bottle it was fantastic l recomendit

  3. Ines

    Yes! I also saw it. I think I’ve got an idea of what I’m going to do for the video.

  4. Well, I liked all of them. However, the first one I couldn’t see it but I remember from the assembly well. Super cool, well sorry Olivia but you were a little bit funny at the part of ‘all we have to…do’ that was a bit funny (in a good way) and Lucia’s cool too. Bye – this is my comment ? Oh and I’m Jacobo 6D.

    • Thanks Jacobo. Is one of the videos not working? I will check. Also, please see if you can see any small changes I’ve made to your punctuation.

  5. Noelia6D

    I saw it the videos are super cool the girl was a lot of imagination!

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