Caxton’s New Recycling Bins

Hi everyone,

In our ongoing quest to make Caxton greener we have added lots of new recycling bins to the playground. I have put labels on the to make it easier to remember what goes where. Also, please remember that aluminium foil goes in the yellow plastics bin too. There are lots of them on the playground now. SO,  LET’S BE GREENER!!!


Eco Competition!!!


Perseverance Video


  1. Sara 6D

    Great idea to put the names on the bins, because I sincerely was in a mess putting the plastic and the card where they did need to go, I didn’t know where it went.

  2. Teresa 5A

    I think the bins are really helping Caxton to be clean but today 1 of October on the Tipuanas the was a lot of plastic like pots of things

    • caxtoncollege

      Thanks Teresa. I think we need to remind everyone how to best use the bins! We can do it!

  3. Aisha5A

    Yes, the other day there was a lot of plastic. But the recycling bins are very useful.

    • caxtoncollege

      I’m glad they are working – however, I still see quite a few objects in the wrong bin… I hope we all gently point out this when we see someone putting stuff in the incorrect bin.

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