Kindness Week – by Special Guest Editors

Hi everyone,

I am absolutely delighted to publish the post below. It’s an article that is going to be published in our very own Caxton newspaper. The expert writers are Rosa and Olivia and I’m sure you’ll agree that it is splendid writing! There will be more contributions shortly, the next one is about the ‘Cat’s Cradle’ – which are the strings that are incredibly popular now. Please post your thoughts.

A sprinkle of kindness in Caxton 

Kindness is a virtue, everyone needs it in their life. At Caxton, we celebrate it for a week, but does really allow us to recognise differences and our positive traits.

Each year, kindness week gets more effective, more pupils are eager to participate. You may ask what kindness week is? It is the brainchild of Ms Stenhouse and it involves children and adults acting out a series of good deeds at a school or at their home, this includes giving compliments, remembering manners, helping our fellow children and adults and being kind. It all finishes off with one fabulous odd socks day which is a day to have a laugh and recognise our differences with our strange, colourful odd socks.

We were lucky enough to interview primary headteacher Ms Stenhouse, who told us that each year kindness week gets more impactful than the last! She spoke about, ‘the role odd socks plays in recognising how difference is a great thing!’

You may wonder why we need kindness week? When everyone should be kind anyway? Our research shows us that we all need a reminder, as sometimes we get complacent and carried away, and this spectacular week gives us an opportunity to re-remember what it is to be kind.

Don’t let the end of kindness week be the end of your kindness!

Written by Rosa C and Olivia M


Y6 Robotics


The Next Amazing Article!!!


  1. Aaden Y6A

    Nice piece of writing! 🙂

  2. Olivia 6B

    Thanks for posting this article on the blog. It was a really fun piece of writing to read.

  3. Allegra and Lucia

    I think that it is an amazing idea and it will change the school for life . Rosa and Olivia are stupendous writers that show perseverance everyday.

  4. Rodrigo A

    I really love kindness week because it helps remind everybody to be kind!

  5. Neus 6a

    I agree, we need to be kind with all our body.

  6. Jacobo R

    You have such a beautiful socks, different but equal!

  7. Cristian A

    We are different by aspect but equal by heart

  8. Reyes

    We are all different because if we were equal it would be very boring

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Caxton College British School