More Creative Writing!

Why not write a short story to go with these photos. Please try to make it as interesting descriptive as you can. Good luck.


Disgusting Dave Pt 2


Recommended App – Epic


  1. Once there was an awfully clumsy squirrel. She dropped every single miniature or vast or medium things. You will never trust her! One peaceful day, her mature mother made her go on an extremely adventurous adventure of finding delicious and most nutritious peanuts ?. However, the clumsy squirrel ? had to be careful as a very clever mathematics human. She said Ok! I will do it and I will be extremely careful, she promised. So she set off on the journey on her very own. Just then out of the corner of her eye, she saw the delicious peanut laying on the floor. She scurried towards it and snatched it in her miniature like cockroach hands. She was so fast that she dropped it. The end!

  2. Sorry I’m going to say the end again. She was so fast that she dropped the peanut and was sooo clumsy that she didn’t find the peanut ever but ever AGAIN!!!! The end!

    • caxtoncollege

      Fabulously creative writing Nicole. Sorry, I missed this post previously. Very sorry. Well done.

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