Ted Talks – Interesting Video


Here is a video explaining what would happen if you could fold a piece of paper  20 or 30 times (it’s impossible – but just imagine) and how high the paper would reach. It also explains the tricky concept of exponential growth really well. Try answering the multiple choice quiz after it.



Interesting Websites


Disgusting Dave Pt 7


  1. Wow that is sooo cool! I never knew these things. I like it because it is scientific!

  2. Mr. Fraser where is the part 7 of disgusting Dave?

    • caxtoncollege

      Tomorrow – are you enjoying them? I have another book by the same author…

  3. Yes I am enjoying it soooo much! I can’t wait for the other book! You know after all the directors of every school I go, for me you are the best director I’ve ever had!??☺️??

    • caxtoncollege

      Hi Nicole – you are too kind. And I’m not the director, but thanks anyway.

  4. Then what are you? Are you a head teacher a principal because whatever it is you are the best for me!

    • caxtoncollege

      Assistant Head my dear. Not the big boss! That’s Ms Stenhouse.

  5. Oh… sorry! Well your the best assistant head for me from all my schools!

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