What is Respect?

Can you remember, during the assembly, we asked you to come up with a definition of what respect means… well, please share your ideas with us now. Someone had a great definition of what integrity means (doing the right thing, even if no one is watching you), however, we think that respect is a little trickier, but we’re sure you will have some great ideas.




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  1. Martin L 5A

    Happy one kind word

  2. Alma

    I loved the assembly about respect .

  3. Martin L 5A

    A happy one kind word!

  4. Leah 5A

    Respect is when someone does an action, says something, etc…
    That makes a person feel like if she is important ( they are valued )
    Saying thank you and please is a form of respect!

    • caxtoncollege

      Fantastic definition Leah – very well done! You fill my bucket every time I see you.

  5. Nicolas

    Respect means that you don’t make fun of people
    Respectful things you can do:
    Help people
    Say kind things to other people
    Do something kind
    Say good things about other people
    Say things to value other people’s hard work
    Be respectful and the world will be better

    • caxtoncollege

      I completely agree with everything you say, Nicolas. Thank you so much for your fantastic comment.

  6. Olivia t


  7. Kaiyuan

    Respect means you don’t make fun of other people and you do something nice to other people.
    How to show RESPECT to others:
    Help them
    Say nice things to them
    Say THANK YOU etc…

    • caxtoncollege

      Great ideas Kaiyan. I really like how you have given examples of how we can be respectful.

  8. Carlota Y5

    I love the assembly,
    Respect is super important.

  9. Valeria

    Respect is very important, because if you start being kind all the world can become kind.

  10. Mariia 6C

    In my opinion, respect is what all humans deserve! It’s not calling anyone names, giving compliments to someone, offering someone help… Everyone deserves RESPECT! Respect is very important to keep the world kind!

    • caxtoncollege

      That is so true Mariia. You are always so respectful! Thanks for your comment.

  11. Elias

    Respect is something that the world should learn.

    • caxtoncollege

      It is indeed Elias. For some people, like you, being respectful is easy and comes naturally. For others, it is a little more difficult. For example, when you play football you are always respectful, however, could we say that for all the boys who play football… PS in general, the girls who play seem to be respectful… What do you think?

  12. Vera

    Respect is when you do something nice to other one and you are not rude to that person
    When you help some one when he/she falls.

  13. Lucía y6

    I love being respectful.

  14. Elena 6C

    I love that my friends respect me.

  15. Olivia D

    If you are respectful you treat people nicely and you don’t leave them alone.
    Some respectful things that you can do are:
    Say kind things to someone,
    Let people play with you,
    Don’t leave anyone out.

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