Exciting developments are taking place in the Primary playground. Ms Robleh and the eco warriors have been working hard on the creation of a school garden in the playground. Excitement is running through Primary, with children thinking that it is a very important idea since it helps
improve the environment by giving us fresh food, as well as providing more habitats for insects to live in the playground, and finally the massive advantage of giving us hands-on gardening education.

Ms Robleh has had this idea for a few years, and has always been excited by giving the opportunity to children to learn about lots of new things by interacting with the process of growing plants and vegetables, it is more than just about watering plants! For example, it is very important to know where our food comes from and it is also a very nice activity to support nature, because we get more insects like bees and butterflies. The huge benefits of growing fresh, healthy produce that doesn’t have to travel miles on trucks, planes or ships.

A garden is also something that Ms Robleh has been asking the Eco-warriors for ideas or had conversations with the school, it’s an idea that most people enjoyed. These projects are at the centre of what the eco-warriors in Primary want to do to improve our school environment. We know that the garden will be a huge success at Caxton and we cannot wait to have our turn getting our fingers green!

You can sign up for gardening club now!!!