Probably My Favourite YouTube Channel

I love this channel for short videos on so many educational subjects. I’ve learnt so much from it. Here is an interesting on I watched today. Let me know if there are any topics you are interested in and I can add videos here. Or you could chech out the channel yourself.


Y5 Scratch – Backdrop and Platforms


Y5 Scratch – Sprite Being Blocked by the Platform


  1. Adel🍄

    Thank you for posting this video it was very interesting I’m also very interested in light.💡

    • caxtoncollege

      Thanks Adel – comments like yours convince me to carry on doing it. You are kind.

  2. Duc.R Y5A

    Good video – shows you lots of information.

    • caxtoncollege

      Check out some more on that channel Duc. There are sooo many interesting ones.

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Caxton College British School