What is Respect?

Our focus on having a positive attitude towards life  has gone wonderfully well and almost everyone now seems to be very positive, polite and are filling buckets to the brim!

So, now we are moving on to our second core value to focus on –  Respect.

But what is it? Respect is how you feel about someone and how you treat someone.
In the ‘Getting On and Falling Out’ SEAL assembly we reflected on how we can fill bukcets by showing respect to:
  • our friends
  • our parents
  • our teachers
  • our school
  • ourself

Please share your ideas and let’s see how many we get!  You can choose one or all five.


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Marvellous Music in Y6


  1. Carlos G

    I can show respect by my intellect at school, because I’m not a fool.


  2. Kendall B Y5c

    I think we also can keep the playground clean.

  3. Franklin.B 5c

    I made my teacher happy today.

  4. Rebeca M Y5C

    I like to Respect and I love Caxton College

  5. David.C 5C

    I can show respect by helping my parents.

  6. Adrian 5C

    I asked my friends if you want to play with me.

  7. Carla Y5C

    I can show respect by showing kindness and a smile to everyone around me.

  8. Sasha U. 5C

    I can show respect by just smiling to someone. I’m sure they will always smile back! Always respect others!

  9. Andreu V

    Help to a child if they don’t know how to do something.

  10. Blanca C.

    I can show respect to my brother because he didn’t know how to do his homework.

  11. AnaT Y5C

    I help my mom in my house.

  12. Begoña.G

    I can show respect by not talking when the teacher is talking.

  13. Sofia K 5C

    I can help others and follow Caxtons rules!

  14. Borja Y5B

    Giving a compliment to someone.

  15. Helena Y5B

    Be helpful to everybody.

  16. Beltrán

    Be respectful to everyone and don’t break the rules.

  17. ElsaY5B

    I always help my mum and dad to clean my house.

  18. Ismail D Y5B

    Being respectful is when you help somebody out the streets or in class and to people that can’t do something

  19. Blanca N

    I show respect by helping my friends when they need it or always listen to my teacher when she is speaking.

  20. Vicente Y5B

    I show respect because I do the work good.

  21. Carlos Y5B

    I can be respectful by being friendly and helping other people.?

  22. Alvaro K Y5b

    You can show respect by listening and not ignoring people.

  23. Celia Y5B

    I will show respect to my teacher because she is trying very hard.

  24. LuisY5B

    I always respect the people.

  25. Ramón

    I can show by listening to my teacher because she is teaching.

  26. Jorge

    I can show respect by listening to the teacher when she is talking.

  27. AlejandraY5B

    I show respect by listening to the person who is talking.

  28. Álvaro Y5A

    I can show respect listening carefully to my teacher.

  29. Paula 5A

    You can respect the school teachers by listening.
    And you can respect the school rules.

  30. Mireia y 5A

    I will show respect by being polite to everybody.

  31. Patricia Y5A

    I can show respect by being kind to the lady’s in the playground

  32. Martina Year 5a

    I can show respect by helping my mum

  33. Irene Year 5

    I can help by being helpful to other people and playing with others.

  34. Javier YR5

    I can show respect with playing with new people in school

  35. Sophie Y5A

    You can respect by don’t play with the IPAD when the teacher says you can’t play with the IPAD!

  36. Mario.c

    Help your teacher.

  37. Diego M Y5A

    I can show respect by listening better to my teacher.

  38. Mario A 5a

    I think we can show respect by helping everybody that needs it.

  39. Sara.R

    I can help people in school when they hurt them self.

  40. Candela

    I can show respect By listening to the person that is talking.

  41. Blanca N

    Hi Mr Fraser. Eva and Blanca ( that is us) have uploaded our IMovie for you to use on Friday.
    Thank you

  42. Artem Y5-A

    I show respect by helping children to stand up and get to the clinic when they fall down.

  43. Jose Luis Y5A

    I can show respect by listening to my parents.

  44. Valentina Y5A

    I think I can show respect helping others, listening to my teacher every day and being responsible with my parents!

  45. Carmen Y5A

    Listening more to my teacher.

  46. Paola

    I will be friends with the kids that don’t have friends.

  47. Jorge 5A

    I will respect everyone and help the others

  48. Dario

    I think we can show respect by playing with new children.

  49. Paulo

    I will show respect by listening to my Freinds when they’re talking.

  50. Diego I

    Help everyone and play with children who have no one to play with.

  51. Javier YR5

    I can help by playing with new people

  52. Elsa

    I helped my brother to do his work

  53. JavierYR5

    I show respect by listing to my teacher.

  54. My friends – I will try to fill buckets by sending a message to say hi and ask how they are.

    My parents – My Mum and Dad are visiting so I will try to do something nice without having to be asked. Perhaps take them for a nice dinner.

    My teachers – I will fill buckets by admiring their hard work on displays or preparing fun lesson activities. Thank you team y6.

    My school – I will fill buckets by helping to keep it clean.

    Myself – I will fill my bucket when I make others smile.

    • caxtoncollege

      Splendid responses Ms Kildea. You’ve filled my bucket by adding a comment to the blog!

  55. Y6D Victoria

    Show respect by helping others

  56. Yago6B

    I respect by helping my parents at home.

  57. Fran.Ch. Y6A

    I can show respect listening to teachers and with good behavior.

  58. Carlos L 6D

    I show respect to all the Monitors on any party/special day (etc).

  59. Charlotte Brunt

    I can show respect by helping others listening to the teacher smiling or saying hello ?

  60. Raphy 6c

    I think we can show respect to our teachers by listening when they speak.

  61. Carlos A

    We can show respect by greeting every morning when getting into class.

  62. Almudena 6B

    We can show respect by saying to the dinning room and playground teachers by saying thank you and you welcome.

  63. Almudena 6B

    We can show respect by saying to the dinning room and playground teachers thank you and you’re welcome.

  64. Ian

    I help my teacher by listening.

  65. Laura s Y6

    I can show respect to the school by following the rules

  66. Javier

    I show respect to the dining room by saying thank you when they give us the food.

  67. Luis 6B

    I showed respect by helping my parents

  68. Ian

    I respect my parents by:
    Helping at home

  69. Lorena 6B

    We can show respect by helping others.

  70. Marta Re

    We can help the people around us by getting in their place and thinking how would you feel?
    Would you help him/her?

  71. Claudia Y6B

    I can show respect to my teacher by putting the hand up to speak during class.

  72. Julia 6B

    I show respect to my parents by:
    I show respect to my friends by:
    Showing I really appreciate them.
    I show respect to the teachers by:
    Helping them and listening to the instructions.
    I show respect to my school by:
    Taking care of the material
    I show respect to myself by:
    Telling always the truth.

  73. Carlos Ga

    I show respect when I come to school and cheer my friends and teachers.

  74. Laura 6C

    We can show respect to the ladies in the dinning room , because when they served us the dinner we should say please and thank you . we also can show respect my parents by being obedient. Aswell we can show respect to the ladies in the playground by saying ‘happy weekend’ .

  75. Liliana 6D

    I respect my teachers and friends.
    We should listen to teachers when they are teaching and listen to friends when they’re talking or reading a story.

  76. caxtoncollege

    I can show respect.

  77. Corey 5D

    I love to respect my friends and my teachers and of course my family.

  78. Claudia 5D

    I respect my friends,my family,of course my teachers and myself.

  79. Alexandra

    I respect my teacher by listening him.And my family by doing what they want

  80. Joan 5D

    I can show respect to the bus lady

  81. Joan 5D

    I can show respect to the bus lady

  82. Elena 5D?


  83. Martina 5D

    I can show respect by cleaning what I messed up and not throwing the rubbish onto the floor.

  84. Cristi 5D

    I help my teachers by helping in playtime.

  85. Juan P 5D

    I show respect by doing my bed and washing my plates.

  86. Livia 5D

    I can show respect to my friends because they helped me on my first day. ?

    • caxtoncollege

      I’m glad everyone is making you welcome Livia. You seem to have settled in wonderfully well.

  87. Joan 5D

    I can show respect to the bus lady and my teacher.

  88. Rodrigo A 5D

    I can show respect by being very nice to my friends

  89. Rodrigo CH

    I can show respect by doing what my teacher tells me to do ???

  90. Nerea 5D

    I show respect by helping my friends.

  91. Nerea 5D

    I show respect by loving my friends and teachers.

  92. Hugo 5D

    I show respect by helping everyone

  93. Nico 5D

    I will show respect by saying thank you to all the teachers.?

  94. Nerea 5D

    I show respect by being helpful.

  95. Marta 5D

    I show respect to my mom and dad helping them and I make them happy.?

  96. Adriana 5D

    I respect my family,friends and the ladies of the playground and of the dining room by helping them when they need help.

  97. PABLOPR 5D

    I love to always show respect to everyone and to always say please and thanks. ?❤️

  98. Valeria 5D

    I show respect to the new girl in my class.???

  99. Fernando 5D

    I like to show respect to people and teachers .

  100. Begoña E

    For me respect is for example caring of others sharing ideas or just laugh WITH that person and being happy ??

  101. Ellen y6

    I can show respect by following school rules like never having our hair down or always using technology in the correct way.

  102. Irene N

    I can show respect by opening the door to an adult or child .

  103. Hugo

    Hugo 6c
    I can show respect when the teacher is talking to me by not looking in another direction.

  104. Nacho


    I can show respect when someone is talking me,
    don’t look other side

  105. Nuria 6A

    We can show respect by setting up the table.???

  106. Juan P 5D

    I respect someone when he thinks another way and his opinion is different.

  107. Juan P 5D

    I respect someone when he thinks another way and his opinion is different.

  108. Asier N 6C

    I can show respect when a teacher is talking with on other teacher and I wait to them to finish the conversation.

  109. Luna 6c

    I respect people by helping them if their tray falls in the lunch room instead of clapping and cheering like people normally do. I also think respecting is looking at the lunch ladies in the eye and actually talking to them.

    • caxtoncollege

      That’s a fantastic answer Luna. The lunch-time ladies would love that I’m sure.

  110. Alvaro G

    I can be respectful by saying please and thank you.


  111. Maria Z. Y6A

    You can show respect by saying compliments to your teacher and others.

  112. Edgar. 6D

    I show respect to my parents by helping them.

  113. Irene 6c

    I can show respect when the teacher is talking by not looking another way, looking at her.

  114. Maria.p.y6d

    Respect means,if an adult is talking you need to wait sensebly until they finish.

  115. I can be respectful by helping my teacher giving out the diaries or being quiet in class.

  116. Sergio

    When someone is talking to you you need to listen and look at them.

  117. Xiaopeng Y6D

    I show respect to my brother by helping him.

  118. Asier M

    I will show respect by helping the teacher in class

  119. Xiaopeng Y6D

    I show respect by helping my brother.

  120. Javier 6d

    You can show respect saying to the playground ladies good morning

  121. I show respect when I do not disturb anyone when he or she is talking.

  122. I can show respect by looking into someone’s eyes when they are
    talking to me.

    I can show respect by saying please and thank you.

    I can also show respect by following school rules.

    I can show respect to my parents by doing what they tell me to do

    I can show respect to myself when I ask myself why I do the things that I do

  123. I can show respect by treating everyone the way you would like to be treated

    I can show respect by treating the property of others with special care

    I can show respect by honoring other people’s need for time and space to themselves

    I can show respect by speaking courteously to everyone

    I can show respect by being receptive to the wisdom of elders

    I can show respect by honoring the rules of your family and nation

    I can show respect by expecting respect for your body and your rights

    • caxtoncollege

      Brilliant ideas Valen. I think your first point sums it all up nicely really. If we treat others like we would like to be treated, the world would be a much better place! You are always very respectful to me Valen. Have a lovely weekend.

  124. Elia 6C

    I can show respectably saying thank you to people.

  125. Manu 6D

    I can show respect by listening in class, and not making silly noises that will distract others.

  126. Joan L.

    You can show respect to your teacher by: listening.
    You can show respect to your parents by: obeying at the first time.
    You can show respect to your friends by: helping them.
    You can show respect to the school by: following the rules.
    You can show respect to yourself by: showing respect to others.


  127. Charlie

    A nice way to show respect to teachers or any adults at school is to hold doors open for them to pass through.

  128. Elena 6A

    Respect is when you treat other people nicely.

  129. Artem Y5-A

    Today I showed respect because when the clubs alarm had sounded I by axident got the wrong bag of another person whose bag was the same as mine. I realized it only when I came in to the changing room to change my self in to the P.E.kit. So I needed to go out of the changing room go to the playground and find that person whose bag I took. Finally I found out that it was a girl who was looking for her bag and my bag was beside her! I had to give it to the girl, explained her everything that happened got my bag and went back into the changing room while the clubs had started along time ago. The End

  130. Valeria 5D

    I can show respect by showing on te little children.

  131. Paula T

    You can show respect when you are nice to others

  132. Charlotte 6c

    I can show respect when a teacher is taking

  133. Daniela . M Y6D

    ?? I show respect by listening really carefully to my teachers ?

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